Good macro research should be actionable. This is why our investment strategy is the heart of our offering. In order to develop a transparent track record, we have created the Unbound Regime Switching Global Large Cap Portfolio. This a systematic model that is designed to beat the market ( the portfolio is benchmarked to the MSCI World Large Cap index) by producing higher volatility adjusted returns. The portfolio is reset weekly based on our proprietary macro signals. The performance of the portfolio is updated daily on our homepage. We are replicating the model portfolio with real money and the brokerage statements are available upon requests.

Analysis & predictions
Once-in-a-generation changes are happening in the global macro landscape. Understanding their full implications is mission critical whether you are an investor or a manager of a company. Unbound provides independent predictions of major global macro trends, based on careful analysis of the interplay between the new political, economic, geopolitical and market forces. Our macro flagship product is the Macro Angle, a weekly video podcast released every Thursday, in which we provide our outlook on a current macro theme.